Sunday, December 14, 2014

An Open letter to the FM

Dear FM…,

Arun Jaitleyjee….,

We have already been facing a deadly crisis..., perpetually during the past decade… that was further driven by the constant increase in the rate of Un-employment, which only further weakens the creation of demand factor in the domestic market resulting thereby in gradual crumbling of a viable business environment.

Well…, Now it is a vicious cycle, the Government that was trying to move out gradually from the socialistic pattern of society to a more open market economy so that the market forces could possibly take due care of all parameters of the Indian economy……, But…

But the ground reality turned out quite different from the theoretical expectations of the first Economist PM of the country. Subsequently what followed has been sharp increase in the rate of hyper-inflation, the gradual increase in fuel prices further added to the crisis and also the widespread growth of the economic criminals who abused all the by-laws of the so called liberalization of the Indian Economy with the spineless Government paying zero attention on any kind of strict legislation to curb the illegal activities’ of the economic criminals so as to keep the rate of growth inflation under check. This further gave rise to the growth of crony-capitalism…!

It was obviously followed by reduction in the activities related to the growth of Infra-structure because of growing corruption, heavy increase in the project costs due to the terrible increase in the prices of the real estate industry coupled with the sharp increase in health care / pharmaceutical industry , communication and hotel industry; all these factors lead to the gradual crumbling of manufacturing sector, followed by the increase in the rate of un-employment, and we have reached a blunt end where the Demand factor in the domestic market is now at its lowest ebb ; a factor that is of prime importance for the revival of any economy. Hence the state of the economy of Bharat has been completely ruined beyond any scope of possible repair in near future. The net result is that the backbone of the common masses has been completely crushed..!

With the Government agencies completely unsuccessful in curbing inflationary tendencies prevalent in the real-estate industry, as well as consumer product industry and the pharmaceuticals’; the business community has also added fuel to fire. They have misunderstood the fundamentals of the liberalization of the economy and have started charging very high rate of profit margins at the retail and wholesale level.

The irony of the fact is that the manufacturer or the farmer doesn’t earn as much as the ordinary trader whether he is a wholesale dealer or the retailer. There is no check on the percentage of marginz that are being charged by the these dealers’ at the wholesale and retail level so much so that all kinds of checks and balances being imposed by the so called imported Economists in the country who have been trying to execute all kinds of economic formulas to control the economy thru macro-economic measures’ have completely failed. It is high time that the charging of abnormally high rates of profits by the trade and industry should be declared as an economic offence against the State and the people at large.

The end-result of encouraging crony-capitalism is that the common masses are wilting in the rage of struggle for survival and the haves are minting money while the economy is plunging into perpetual darkness. 

The country doesn’t need a gentleman like the erstwhile PM but instead a hard task-master who could put tight legislative controls on the present open-ended loot being sponsored by the trading community without any fear of being taken to task. The trading community doesn’t constitute even 3% of the total population but the common masses that are affected terribly constitute more than 65% of the population. This is the vote bank that voted your party to power with the fervent hope that your Government will bring some pragmatic changes in the economy of Bharat as a whole.

Remember…, Unless a proper legislative check is not applied on these traders at all levels, the common masses will continue to suffer, physical demand for commodities will never increase, sales will go down continuously, which will badly effect the manufacturing sector and hence further increase in the rate of unemployment…!!!

Hence curbing of all kinds of activities of the economic criminals that has been the root cause of the acute spike in the adverse growth trajectory of artificial inflation and also fixing the margins of the traders whether belonging to the consumer product industry, industrial product industry, pharmaceuticals or the real estate and that too both at the retail and wholesale level, a policy that was adopted and propagated by Chanakya is the need of the hour. 

THE FM needs to arise, awake and stop not till thy goal is reached