Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Call for Shariat Rule in India by Muslim Fundamentalists

The recent call of Islam which demands the rule of “Sharia” in India ... through their website is really a matter of grave concern for every law abiding non-Muslim Staying in our country …..!

Though, Officially their population is only 18% of the total population in India, but still they reflect arrogance to demand SHARIA….!!! They demand implementation of SHARIA, because as per their version of Quran, the non-Muslims are not supposed to rule on the Muslims and moreover “Secularism” is not allowed in Islam…..!!!!!

Thanks to the imprudent, hollow and weird pseudo-secular philosophy adopted by India after Independence that gave rise to the ill-advised, thoughtless, outrageous, quixotic and ridiculous policy of appeasement being religiously followed by the myopic, illiterate, Spineless creatures who adorn the corridors of Power in the North Block , that the anti-national elements not only from within the country but also from far off countries dare to challenge the sovereignty of a so called secular democratic Independent nation.
The atmosphere in our country has been further vitiated by the fatuous and ludicrous call for "Aman Ki Aaasha”, being repeatedly followed in various formats, by the mislead, immature, insensitive and misrepresented labyrinth governing the media galleries within our own country…!!!

These Shariat wolfs, have dared to create such venomous websites to convey the dangerous messages to the illiterate masses of the minority community and thus convey wrong signals, eventually to destroy the fabric of peace and harmony in our country. Obviously to make our country internally so weak that it will be easier for these nebulous forces later to act upon their soft targets within our country to achieve their mission.
The ground reality is that they have been tremendously encouraged to behave in this cruel fashion because of the several childish decisions taken by our policy makers in the past like: 

1)    the likes of Kasab, Afzal Guru, Yaseen Malik and many others still enjoying royal protection/treatment/patronage, instead of punishment, from the GOI ;
2)    the continuous successful execution of their plans of terrible serial bomb blasts conducted in almost big cities inside our country that were planned outside the country but were completely executed with the help of the sleeper cells operating from within our country with no/negligible counter from the GOI that could prevent them from continuing such misdeeds;
3)    Moreover we never heard that even a single such plan of a Bomb Blast was leaked out in advance before its successful execution through any of the members belonging to their community which only proves that they have complete silent support from their fellow members in all their communal missions;
4)    The inhuman treatment being delivered to and the complete ouster of the total Hindu population from the territories of Pakistan and Bangla Desh but no counter action taken by the leadership of our country to abort such inhuman practices;
5)    The absurd policy of giving back the hard earned territories of Pakistan and Bangla Desh in the 1971 war back to the respective countries, instead of bargaining for the return of POK and final settlement of the vexed Kashmir problem once forever.
6)    The displacement of the Hindus from the Kashmir Valley in 1991 without nailing the leaders of the state Government who were responsible for the same, as these conspiracies were well planned and hatched during their reign in the state;
7)    Not a single culprit has yet been executed for having been involved in mass massacre of the innocent Kar Sewaks in train at Godhra in 2002.
8)    Dilution of the implementation of the strict Laws like TADA / POTA etc. to deal with anti-national elements.
9)    The ill-advised move to harass the loyal Police Officers who didn’t bother about their own life to wipe out the terrorists ;
10)                      In spite of repeated requests Pakistan has not yet bothered to return the terrorists who were involved in so many serial blasts in India but contrary to that we are more than eager to enter into business relations with the same tribe.
11)                      The recent episodes of the massacre of the Hindus in many towns just like that of Deganga in West Bengal, Meerut and Bareili are a live testimony to the already grim situation. The saddest story is we have never heard any genuine concern being reflected by the leadership of the country thru the setting up of any commission of enquiry into those riots / any constructive action being taken against the convicts where the Muslims have been the torch bearers.  
12)                      The rate of Growth of the Muslim Population has been more as compared to the rate of growth of the Hindu population in almost all parts of India, because of various factors.   

The list is very long. These events have provided Muslim activists and cruel fundamentalists a carte blanche throughout the entire country. These wolfs operating both from outside as well as within the country are well aware that they have a great potential following in India among the foolish leadership of the country besides the 18% Muslim population of the country; because these mis-guided pseudo-secular elements will be the prime targets for conversion by these cunning wolves of Shariat as these stupid politicians and their followers will be the first ones to accept their inhuman cultural, social and religious laws of Shariat for the sake of few Rupees that would be deposited in their Bank accounts at the time of conversion...!! These pseudo-secularists are ready made soft targets of conversion for these anti-national elements at the cost of the sovereignty of the country.

 On the other hand when the same tribe belonging to the community of Sharia  had attacked America just once, The Americans did not beg for mercy or help from any country to get back the terrorists; instead in its bid to destroy the very roots of the masterminds they adopted a more practical, levelheaded, rational and judicious approach by penetrating all those countries for necessary surgical operations all through those territories, where there were even the last chances of nabbing the culprits and finally nailed them in their own den without wasting the tax-payers money on useless judicial trials. That is the approach that the great strategists of his time Chanakya had proposed for efficient administration of an empire.

Unfortunately, our pathetic, timid and flimsy leadership could not take the lead for executing similar surgical operations in the name of self –defense to be carried out in our own territory of illegally occupied territories of Kashmir by Pakistan, only to flush out the terrorist training camps flourishing over there. Had we done so effectively in the nineties then the story would have been different and our respectability in the whole world order would have improved further.

Only God knows when our so called fragile and faint-hearted leadership will learn from its own mistakes…!!! How long can the country afford being ruled by such illiterate cowards and allow them to fleece the nation of its natural resources like men and illegal occupation of its territories.

The time has come when the followers of Sanatana Dharma need to understand the gravity of the situation. They have to rise to the occasion and create a mass awareness programme among the masses to be alert and not to depend on the pseudo-secular leadership of the country but to strengthen the forces who understand the sensitivities of the majority community and thus prevent the masses from being the soft targets of these wolves who have already raised potential threats from across the borders.

The followers of Sanatana Dharama have to bring in massive change in the existing leadership of the country, in order to save not only the respectability of the majority community but also the sovereignty of the nation. These wiled threats by the shariat wolves can’t be ignored by the leadership of the country very lightly. As it is, these wolves have already demonstrated their will by swallowing their share of the cake by first dividing the country into three parts and then gradually taking complete control of the State of Kashmir through effective ethnic cleansing of the whole community of the Hindus from the valley. The case study of the inside story of the prevailing disturbances in the Kashmir Valley reveal a simple truth that they had treated the valley of Kashmir as their  laboratory for understanding the depth of the strength of the leadership of our country, in their quest for ultimately converting the whole nation. No doubt, they have read a lot of facts in between the lines and that is why the language of this website is so crystal clear in highlighting the spirit and values of their dangerous International mission.
Please read the following links :


from the Book :
“The Story of Islamic Imperialism In India” By Sita Ram Goel.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Justice Ignored is Justice Denied...!"

"Justice Ignored is Justice Denied...!"

It was indeed, A very Sad Day, rather black Friday, for the so claimed Sovereign Secular Democratic Republic of India, where the humble request of a common Citizen of the country, a gentleman Officer, was politely ignored only to please their political interests .  Why…?

Everyone knew that the General was absolutely right in his claim but only to cater to the interests of choice of the politicians, his genuine claim as a citizen could not secure for him, the oft claimed hollow lines in the Preamble :
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the [unity and integrity of the Nation];”

To enumerate in simple terms the General had sought for his fundamental right of the correction of his Date of Birth in his service records, which could have eventually meant continuation in service for a few more months. Let us ask the consciousness of the nation, what was wrong in his request logically as per the principles of Natural Justice. If the politicians of the country even after losing so many battles in elections continue to clamor for power till they don’t reach the doors of heavenly abode then why should the Government machinery in the bureaucracy feel that he was power hungry? This is the consequence of the stray gossip engaged in the coffee shops of the Capital, where the elite class of the bureaucracy and the Fourth estate, frame the timeline for the administrative set up of the country.

Power Hungry..? No, he was not at all power hungry. He was not demanding the position of the Field Marshal of India. Nor he was planning a Coup as it happens in other countries. In fact, there were 101 % chances if the Government of India had shown the magnanimity of making the necessary correction in the Date of Birth and then asked him to continue in service for the remaining period, possibly he would have felt honored and would have offered to resign from the Job on the May 31, 2012 as per his original commitment. At least he would have had the satisfaction of having been allowed to serve the nation for what was due from him.

In the History of Independent India there is no parallel case at this position and this case can’t be compared with that of General Sinha of Kiran Bedi.

Ultimately, it is apparently very clear from the chronology of the past events that

Ø The civilian authority clearly had no respect for the general’s grievances right from the beginning.

Ø Moreover, it is clear that Gen Singh was virtually forced to accept a decision on his age under duress, and not willingly.

Natural justice demanded that a full investigation was conducted by the army to reconcile the MS and AG Branches’ divergence, and the final date of birth determined as per law. But this did not happen. The system failed the general.
Where the general himself went wrong is clear: caught between the prospect of losing a promotion and living to fight another day, he chose the latter. It was a tactical decision, and he clearly swallowed his pride to ensure that the system did not victimise him and deny him his due after an illustrious career.

The most tragic part of ignoring the laws of natural Justice was In the end, the court gave him a Hobson’s choice: withdraw your petition or be prepared to lose.
The general did what he has always done when confronted with a superior force: retreat.
It’s a pity. The system may not have delivered him justice, but maybe he should have fought it and gone to the tribunal. In the process, he would probably have lost his promotion. He would have lost either way.
When it comes to fighting the system, you can’t win: you either lose your due or your honour or both.
Pushed on the back foot, government today told the Supreme Court that it has withdrawn its December 30 order rejecting Army Chief General V K Singh’s statutory complaint for treating his date of birth as May 10, 1951 instead of May 10, 1950.

The Supreme Court has taken the view that the court is looking at the date of birth only from the service point of view. The Attorney General has reiterated that the government still holds the General in high regard.
The judgment is a huge blow for General VK Singh. Court tells him he has to abide by his commitment and honour his letters of 2008 and 2009 accepting the DOB as 1950.

The Supreme-court has given the army chief three options to choose from. One to withdraw the petition, two sort out the issue with the government or three make do with the orders that it pronounces. Court says no prejudice was done to General VK Singh and that it has full faith in the government.
The court says that they are not trying to determine the DOB of Army chief but are concerned with recognition of DOB of Army chief in official records.

Who-so-ever said that Poetics’ is the last refuge of the scoundrels was not wrong after all. It has been proved many times in the history. As the Gentleman officer had been cornered from all sides by the Media, Political Brass , Bureaucracy and his own organizational set up from the army so he had again no other choice but to take back the petition. Because under such circumstances the best tactic is Defence is the best Offence…!!!  

In fact, in this battle between the Common Man and the Government of India, it is imperative that this has virtually exposed the complete administration, Executive, legislature and the Judiciary of the Government of India.